
1 Oktober 2009

Bali: Lovina Beach, Bedugul, Singaraja

Bali, episode Bali rasanya ga bakalan habis di bicarakan...
Selalu ada spot2 baru setiap taonnya......

Tulisan pertama saya tentang bali adalah Bali Utara, Kota Singaraja yang dulunya ibu kota Propinsi Bali terletak di ujung Utara pulau ini.... Dengan wisata pantainya yaitu Pantai Lovina yang terkenal dengan atraksi Lumba-lumba.

Menuju Bali Utara sangatlah mudah, dari gilimanuk bisa langsung melintasi sepanjang jalan Gillimanuk-Seririt sampai ke Singaraja. Memakan waktu sekitar 1.30 - 2 jam, anda akan di suguhi indahnya pesisir pantai utara pulau Bali.

Bila dari airport Ngurahrai biasanya ada travel agent yg siap membantu, perjalanan melalui Denpasar-Mengwi-Baturiti-Bedugul-Buleleng dan sampailah di Singaraja. Jaraknya memang lebih jauh dan harus melewati perbukitan. Tetapi pemandangannya juga tidak kalah menarik yaitu danau Buyan dan danau Baratan.

Ada beberapa hotel di sepanjang pantai Lovina, saat itu saya di kasih 2 pilihan hotel yaitu hotel Melka Excelsior dan hotel Sunari yg memang bersebelahan. Sedikit cerita ttg kondisi ke dua hotel ini.
(1) hotel Melka Excelsior,
terletak di 10 KM sebelah barat kota Singaraja. Menyuguhkan berbagai macam ataraksi lumba-lumba. Selain lumba-lumba mereka juga memiliki mini zoo, sehingga banyak fasilitas dan kegiatan yg di miliki hotel ini sendiri. Sayangnya hotel ini tidak memiliki pemandangan pantai.
bisa di lihat di:
(2) hotel Sunari
persis di sebelah barat hotel Melka Excelsior, dengan mengusung tema bungalow. Hotel ini memiliki fasilitas kolam renang yang berhadapan langsung dengan pantai.
bisa di lihat di:
Saat itu rombongan kami memilih stay 2 hari di hotel Sunari.

Hari pertama kita memilih menikmati sajian ikan bakar di tepi pantai Lovina, dari segi taste cukup bagus karena ikan-ikan tampak segar dan kelihatan baru di tangkap oleh nelayan. Harga pun juga tidak semahal di Jimbaran.

Hari kedua, pagi2 sekali sekitar jam 4.30 kami bersiap2 menuju boat yang telah kita booking sore kemarin. pagi ini kita akan melihat lumba-lumba di tengah perairan pantai utara bali. Sayangnya setelah 2 jam mengitari laut tidak satu pun lumba-lumba yg saya lihat. Ada beberapa rekan yang sempat melihat lumba-lumba, tetapi kekecewaan cukup dibayar dengan indahnya pemandangan sunrise dari perahu.

Saran: bila ingin melihat lumba-lumba sebaiknya pada saat sedikit perahu yg melaut, bila perahu ramai sepertinya lumba-lumba pada ketakutan.

Siangnya selepas makan di Singaraja, kita jalan2 menuju ke arah timur kota Singaraja. Tujuannya adalah air terjun SEKUMPUL, desa Sawan-Buleleng. Air terjun ini sangat alami, masih jarang wisatawan yg menuju ke sana.

Kita harus parkir di halaman rumah penduduk yang memang khusus menyediakan lahan untuk parkir mobil. Berjalan kaki sekitar 700 meter mengitari persawahan, perkampungan dan sungai kecil. Banyak pemandangan yg bisa dinikmati sepanjang perjalanan menuju air terjun.

Air terjun ini terdiri dari 4 rongga, kita bisa menyusuri anak tangga sampai ke dasar air terjun. dari atas bukit bisa melihat pemandangan air terjun yg diselimuti kabut.

Hari ketiga, setelah check out dari hotel Sunari kita melanjutkan perjalanan menuju danau Buyan. Kali ini kita stay di Hotel Bali Handara Kosaido, dengan pemandangan golf range.... sangat indah.

Tidak sedikit yang bisa kita nikmati di Bedugul, salah satu tempat favorit keluarga saya adalah Kebun Raya Bedugul. Banyak fasilitas disini, selain hanya bermalas-malasan tidur diatas tikar yg kita lebarkan di padang rumput. Flying fox sekitar 150rb untu dewasa....

Selain itu tentunya kita harus ke danau Beratan, mengitari danau dengan speedboat, jetsky, parasailing, melihat goa dengan sampan, memancing dan tentunya menikmati buah-buahan yg di jual sepanjang pasar.

Di sisi timur danau Baratan terdapat candi Kuning, pemandangan yang sangat bagus untuk mengampil beberapa foto. Di sini juga bisa bermain speda perahu.

Selain itu danau Buyan dan Tamblingan juga bisa di singgahi, meskipun kedua danau ini tidak seterkenal saudaranya danau Beratan.

Satu lagi tempat kongkow yaitu kebun strawberry, kita bisa menikmati sajian yang semuanya berbahan dasar strawberry.

to be continue......

9 September 2009

Itinerary: Bali Trip

Liburan Hari Raya seminggu lagi, seperti tahun-tahun kemarin tujuan kita tetap Bali. Bersama rombongan keluarga yang berjumlah 30 orang lebih tentunya tidak mudah untuk mengarrange itinerary. Mulai dari transportasi, waktu dan tanggal, hotel, makanan, dan acara-acara selama liburan tentunya.

Saya mencoba untuk memulai membuat jadwal dan tempat-tempat yang akan kami kunjungi selama seminggu di Bali.

Mulailah saya mengontak travel agent langganan yang memang posisinya di Denpasar, perlu di ketahui membooking hotel di Bali gampang-gampang susah. Perlu ketelatenan dan keberuntungan untuk mendapatkan hotel yang sesuai dengan budget dan selera kita.

Pertama, lokasi wisata kita adalah Lovina di Bali Utara, Bedugul dan terakhir Kuta. Setelah beberapa kali browsing dan mendapat penawaran dari travel agent, akhirnya saya mendapat kepastian tempat penginapan. (1) Hotel Sunari di Lovina Beach, Singaraja. buka disini stay 2 malam, 400ribu/malam (2)Hotel Bali Handara Kosaido, Bedugul. buka di dan yang terakhir (3) Kuta Paradiso Hotel, Jl. Kartika Plaza - Kuta. buka di

Dari ketiga hotel tersebut adalah pertama kalinya saya stay di sana, sehingga belum bisa memberikan penilaian.

Kedua, Acara. Tentunya perlu di rundingkan terlebih dahulu, sehingga pada saat perjalanan kita tidak perlu kebingungan untuk menentukan tujuan.

Ketiga, Budget. Hal ini terlihat simple, tetapi akan menjadi hal terpenting dalam melakukan perjalanan. Kita harus merinci forecast pengeluaran kita sebelum keberangkatan. Hal ini sangat perlu supaya tidak sampai terjadi keributan mengenai keuangan, apalagi bila rombongan kita banyak.

Berikutnya sampai jumpa setelah liburan......

3 September 2009

Tasikmalaya 7.3 SR earthquake

lagi-lagi berita status di FB yang pertama kalil muncul, saya mengetahui ada gempa sebesar 7.3 SR dari teman2 yang berdomisili di Jakarta dan sekitarnya. Gempa terjadi kemarin sore (2 September) sekitar jam 15.00, selama 3-4 menit.

Ada beberapa teman saya yang kebetulan sedang online di YM langsung saya konfirmasi, katanya: "lagi goyang inul se-jakarta, hahahahahahah" masih bisa aja mbanyol...

Untuk meng-update berita langsung saya klik: yang biasa saya browsing dan beritanya cepat dan akurat...heheheh (maklum di kantor ngak ada TV)

Rabu, 2 September 2009, 15:42 WIB Amril Amarullah

VIVAnews - Gempa berkekuatan 7,3 SR yang berpusat di Tasikmalaya, Jawa Barat, mengakibatkan sejumlah warga yang tengah berada di rumah dan perkantoran berhamburan keluar rumah.

Seperti yang dilaporkan tvone, Rabu 2 September 2009, sejumlah toko dan rumah maupun perkantoran mengalami kerusakan cukup parah, namun belum diketahui pasti jumlahnya.

Hanya saja, hingga kini warga belum berani masuk ke rumah mengingat di Tasik gempa susulan terjadi selama tiga kali, kurang lebih 5 menit kemudian, namun tidak sehebat gempa pertama yang berlangsung selama 10 menit.

ini berita terakhir hari ini:
Kamis, 3 September 2009 | 09:36 WIB
JAKARTA, — Hingga Kamis (3/9) pagi, tercatat sebanyak 18.278 rumah di 10 kabupaten/kota yang terkena dampak Gempa Tasikmalaya rusak. Demikian data yang dihimpun dari situs Badan Nasional Pengembalian Bencana, Kamis (3/9).

Data yang masuk ke Pusat Pengendalian Operasi BNPB, Jakarta, menyebutkan, 8.885 unit rumah rusak berat dan 9.393 lainnya rusak ringan. Kerusakan terbesar tercatat di Kabupaten Ciamis. Di wilayah itu, 5.085 unit rumah rusak berat dan 6.211 rusak ringan.

Gempa berkekuatan 7,3 SR yang berpusat di Laut Hindia sekitar 142 km barat daya Kota Tasikmalaya itu juga menyebabkan 45 orang meninggal dunia, sedangkan ratusan orang terluka.

09:11 WIB
JAKARTA, — Korban tewas akibat gempa bumi yang mengguncang Tasikmalaya, Jawa Barat, tercatat bertambah menjadi 45 orang.

Data yang diterima dari Bada Nasional Penanggulangan Bencana, Kamis (3/9) pagi, merinci, 10 orang meninggal di Kabupaten Cianjur, 9 di Garut, 2 di Sukabumi, 9 di Tasikmalaya, 8 di Bandung, 1 di Bandung Barat, 2 di Bogor, dan 4 di Ciamis.

Selain menyebabkan korban tewas, gempa berkekuatan 7,3 SR pada posisi 142 km barat daya Tasikmalaya itu juga menyebabkan ratusan orang terluka dan ribuan rumah rusak.

24 Agustus 2009

event: Arek2Jember tour dBromo

Sejak dua bulan yang lalu kita, beberapa panitia dari grup Arek2Jember merencanakan untuk membuat event.... even ini tujuannya adalah acara ngumpul2 seperti reunian lintas angkatan dan lintas sekolah...
Akhirnya, dipilihlah bromo sebagi tempat ngumpul2 kita dengan alasan Bromo terletak tepat ditengah antara Jember dan Surabaya.

Selama 2 bulan kita mengajak teman2 untuk turut serta. Teng, last minute kita mendapat 37 peserta dari berbagai angkatan. Mulai angkatan 1980 sampe 2000, komplit...heheheheh.

Hari H yang dari Surabaya berkumpul di McD bunderan satelit jam 20.00, setengah jam kemudian kita berangkat. Sedangkan yang dari Jember sudah berangkat dari jam 19.00. Sewaktu rombongan Surabaya nyampe Pasuruan, ternyata kloter Jember sudah nyampe di RM Bromo Asri - Probolinggo.
Daripada nunggu kelamaan, melalui perwakilan Jember saya persilahkan untuk makan malam dulu. Dan tepat jam 22.30 kloter Surabaya datang langsung serbuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.....

18 Agustus 2009

Uluwatu Cliff

Pura Uluwatu (temple of the stone head) or Pura Luhur Uluwatu temple is located in the edge of stone cliff in southern part of Bali. This ancient temple is dedicated to the spirits of the sea. Built in the eleventh century during the era of Empu Kuturan, the temple became a classic expression of ancient Bali in a spectacular setting, high above the crashing waves.

Here you can witness an impressive picturesque view especially on the sunset time. The three courtyards are surrounded by hard weathered white coral. The guardian gate in the middle courtyard has similar appearance of East Javanese temple architecture.

11 Agustus 2009

Mount Agung

Mount Agung or Gunung Agung is a mountain in Bali. This stratovolcano is the highest point on the island. It dominates the surrounding area influencing the climate. The clouds come from the west and Agung takes their water so that the west is lush and green and the east dry and barren.

It is believe as a place of gods. It stands 3,142 meters from sea level. This occasionally active volcano, stands at 3,014 meters. Bali's most sacred temple, Besakih actually sits on its slope. The adventurous traveler can attempt to climb the volcano between July and October. Be sure to hire a guide, as the route is long, difficult and dangerous.

Gunung Agung last erupted in 1963-64 and is still active, with a large and very deep crater which occasionally belches smoke and ash. From a distance, the mountain appears to be perfectly conical, despite the existence of the large crater.

From the peak of the mountain, it is possible to see the peak of Mount Rinjani on the island of Lombok, although both mountains are frequently covered in cloud.

7 Agustus 2009

Sianok Canyon

"Ngarai" (the Indonesia for canyon) Sianok lies at the outskirt of Bukittinggi. It is steep-canyon of about 100-150 meters high, very colorful and surrounded by a green valley with a winding river at its bottom. The beauty of this panoramic landscape is hard to describe as if no words can precisely express this geological wonder.

The ignimbtrite plato of Sianok Valley at Belakangbalok Village was produced by two periods of Maninjau volcanic eruptions.

The two eruption periods are separated by fluvio volcanic deposits, consisting of very qoarse sand and conglomerate.

The two periods pyroclatic deposits at containing pumice and locally several coal. These pyroclatic deposits were faulted and formed terrace morphology. The Sianok Valley is considered as an effect of the reactivation of basement fault throughting the ignimbrite deposits.

5 Agustus 2009

White Crater in Mount Patuha

Mt Patuha is located southwest of Bandung, Kawah Putih is a lake on this mountains is sometimes pale turquoise, or as it's name says 'white'. The direction is drive to Ciwidey.

Kawah Putih can easy be reached by car all the way to the rim and then it is a 100 metre walk to the lake it self. It is a very nice colorful lake. Far to the south of Bandung, the hill becomes greener. The fresh air flows through the bamboo trees marching along the way. Kawah Putih, The White Crater, is waiting for who want to contemplate there.

Two craters adorn the summit of Patuha Volcano. The dry crater of Kawah Patuha lies 600 meters northwest of Kawah Putih, a crater lake with approximately 8 meters of water depth. Kawah Putih Crater Lake represents a relatively stable volcanic system, with no records of magmatic or phreatic activity since A.D. 1600.

Surrounded by the tea plantation, Kawah Putih is a very prospectors tourist's destination in West Java - Indonesia. Located at about 30 km to the south of Bandung, Kawah putih is relatively easy to be reached. But, driving by your own car is recommended, it's convenience because along the way, you can stop by to just take a rest, or buy strawberry, which can be easily found in this area. Fresh and considerably

At the top of Mt. Patuha is a relatively Young crater, and on its southeastern, lower flank is another, picturesque crater lake called Kawah Putih (White Crater).

Besides the enchantment of natural panorama, the crater has a separate uniqueness that is the color of the crater is always fluctuate, sometimes the color is green apple when the sun heat. But often the color is white with a thick mist above surface of the crater. Kawah Putih is also dominated with a white stones that’s why this crater called white crater. About 5 km from the crater there are support facilities such as Punceling hot spring and track jogging.

This nature enchantment can be felt since the visitor in journey to the location entrance by through crop forest of Eucalyptus and nature forest with miscellaneous of species tropical rain forest which is can offers you a truly incredible vacation.

1 Agustus 2009

Baluran Savannah National Park

Java’s Little Bit Of Africa. Baluran is the easiest place on Java to see an impressive variety of plant species and animals. Its wildlife features monitor lizards, wild dogs and pigs, squirrels, fruit bats, giant woodpeckers, crab-eating monkeys and leaf monkeys in the upland forests. Groups of 30 or more barking deer are common.

This park is a forest preservation area that extends about 25.000 ha on the north coast of East Java. The location is in Sumberwaru village, Banyuwangi district, Situbondo (on the east border of Java Island).

You can enjoy the panorama of savannah and mount Baluran (inactive volcano) in the center of area that becomes habitat of many exotic animals such as wild pigs, deer, peacocks, wild chicken, some species of monkeys and also bulls as the protected animals in the area.

You can enjoy the amazing scenery of the forest and do the safari activities in the wild life and feel the magic of the forest. This park is so unique because 15 km from the main entrance, you can find a beautiful white beach called Bama Beach, here in the habiat of coral reef, fish and mangrove.

This park is a forest preservation area that extends about 25.000 ha on the north coast of East Java. The location is in Sumberwaru village, Banyuwangi district, Situbondo (on the east border of Java Island). You can enjoy the panorama of savannah and mount Baluran (inactive volcano) in the center of area that becomes habitat of many exotic animals such as wild pigs, deer, peacocks, wild chicken, some species of monkeys and also bulls as the protected animals in the area.

You can enjoy the amazing scenery of the forest and do the safari activities in the wild life and feel the magic of the forest. This park is so unique because 15 km from the main entrance, you can find a beautiful white beach called Bama Beach, here in the habiat of coral reef, fish and mangrove.

You also can observe hundreds species of birds such as hornbills, peacocks and bulbuls. If you like to observe the tropical forest vegetation, the park is a heaven for many species of trees, plants and flowers such as pecan nut trees, Maja, Gadung, Java tamarind trees and mount Widara.

There are several activities that you can do in this park such as: - Safari Forest - forest adventure - Diving and snorkeling - Mountain hiking and mount climbing - Hill walking - Beach adventure to watch the fishermen's daily activities and seed seekers - Canoeing, rowing or boating until you the Fresh Water Gulf, Sejile Gulf and Bilik Beach.

Conducting some scientific researching (with prior permission).
If you prefer to safari to Baluran National Park, there are some cottage designed in Madurese style and operated by Environmental Education Center. There is also a main lodge that will serve you European and Indonesia cuisine.
Villas and lodges, you can rent them with your group members (about 20 persons capacity) and the also provide a praying room and a canteen.
There are two guesthouses by the beach, but you should have prior reservation.
Baluran Information Centre and a small museum that has several preserved animals by the main entrance operated by The Forestry Conservation Region Office.
The visitor can do many activities, such as; Diving, Swimming, boating, snorkeling
A beautiful camping area that is located in Sumberwaru village (outside of the forest preservation area)
Watching Towers that are usually used by rangers to watch or to observe the animals' behaviors and the region surrounding (you can bring a pair of binoculars or telescope to have a better look at the beautiful panorama)

Try to consider the wide ranges of this area, you will be better visit Baluran by your car or rent a car from Denpasar or Surabaya. You can also rent a car at Pasir Putih tourist resort or Situbondo. There is also motorbike public transportation called “ojek” in the main entrance that will take you to Bama Beach (with Negotiated cost)

The Route
o If you take a car, it takes 5 hours from Surabaya and 4 hours from Denpasar, Bali.
o For tourists who stay in Pasir Putih, it takes 1.5 hours and only 1 hours from Situbondo.

Gua Jepang (Japan Cave)
In Baluran National Park, you can see a historical place called “Gua Jepang” (Japan Cave). Gua Jepang is one of historical witness that in this place (Baluran National Park) was happened battle between Indonesia army against Japanese army. Because unequal power, there are a lot of Indonesia army who died in that battle, so this place also called Batangan. Gua Jepang has wide about 12 km that contains in 2 chambers. The north chamber was used to save the weapon, while the south chamber was used as a fissure to see an enemy.

Bekol Savannah
Beside Gua Jepang, in the Baluran National Park, you also can see Bekol savannah. It's about 12 km from the entrance Baluran National park. You will see a flock of deer, bulls, etc, in the morning and in the afternoon (when the sun goes down) to do their activity. You also can see their activity and behavior of those animals from the height.

Bama Beach
Bama beach is located in the east of Baluran National Park. You can see the original beach and the fantastic panorama in here. Beside that you can see the mangrove forest, Bama source and Mantingan source. One of special moment here is that you can see monkey with the long tail (Macaca fascicularis) that fishing crabs with their long tail. If you like go on food, you can pass the truck and you can see the beautiful panorama of Bama Beach on the height. Just with 15,000 Rupiahs per person you can spend the night in Bama Beach to enjoy the beautiful panorama at night here.

17 Juli 2009

Ritz-Carlton Meledak, Kedatangan Manchester United Dipertanyakan

Note pribadi:
masihkah bangsa ini bisa menjadi bangsa yang besar, kalau sebagian dari kita masih ada saja yang berbuat seperti ini.
kapan kita bisa dipercaya oleh dunia luar???
PLEASE, bangsa yang besar adalah bangsa yang mencintai negrinya sendiri!!!!

Benarkah Ledakan JW Marriott Berasal dari Genset?
4 Warga Asing Tewas dalam Ledakan Marriott dan Ritz
Nama Korban Ledakan Mega Kuningan di RS Jakarta
Karyawan XL Dievakuasi ke Graha XL
Tangis Pilu dan Panik Iringi Ledakan Marriott dan Ritz

Jumat, 17 Juli 2009 | 09:21 WIB
JAKARTA, — Hotel Ritz-Carlton yang disiapkan sebagai hotel penginapan para anggota tim Manchester United yang akan tiba, Sabtu (18/7), meledak Jumat (17/7) pagi sehingga kepastian kedatangan tim itu menjadi pertanyaan.

Ledakan itu terjadi dua kali di Hotel Ritz-Carlton dan Hotel JW Marriott pada pukul 07.55 dan media melaporkan sudah jatuh beberapa korban yang dilarikan ke rumah sakit. Media melaporkan Jumat pagi, ledakan yang belum diketahui penyebabnya itu terjadi di Restoran Airlangga Hotel Ritz-Carlton.

Kesebelasan Manchester United menurut rencana akan tiba dengan pesawat carteran di Bandara Halim Perdanakusuma pada Sabtu malam dengan berkekuatan 90 orang yang terdiri dari pemain dan ofisial, serta manajemen tim.

Kedatangan MU ini merupakan rangkaian tur mereka ke Asia. Sebelum ke Jakarta, mereka menjalani laga persahabatan pertama dalam Tur Asia 2009 melawan tim Malaysia. Setelah bertanding di Indonesia, mereka akan melanjutkan perjalanan ke Seoul.

Kesebelasan "Setan Merah" itu akan bertemu dengan tim Indonesia All Stars (IAS) di laga persahabatan pada Senin (20/7) mulai pukul 20.00 WIB di Stadion Utama Gelora Bung Karno (SUGBK).

Bila tim itu jadi datang Sabtu malam, Pada Minggu pagi mereka akan langsung menjajal lapangan SUGBK pada latihan pagi. Sesi latihan Minggu pagi direncanakan mulai pukul 10.00 WIB, dan boleh disaksikan para penonton yang sudah membeli tiket dari kategori VVIP hingga kategori I.

Sebelum menjalani sesi latihan pagi itu, perwakilan dari Manchester United akan lebih dulu melakukan tanya jawab dengan wartawan media cetak dan elektronik dalam acara konferensi pers di Hotel Ritz-Carlton, Mega Kuningan.

Dari pihak MU ini diharapkan hadir CEO David Gill, manajer Alex Fergusson, dan salah seorang pemain teras MU. Dari tim IAS, manajer tim Andi Darussalam Tabusalla serta Bambang Pamungkas. Agenda lain, David Gill dan pemain MU serta perwakilan dari tim IAS akan menuju kawasan Senayan untuk mengikuti kegiatan pendukung program penanaman sejuta pohon yang dicanangkan oleh pemerintah.

16 Juli 2009

Dieng Plateau

Dieng Volcanic Complex (also called the Dieng Plateau) is a complex volcano. A complex volcano is an extensive assemblage of spatially, temporally, and genetically related major and minor volcanic centers with the associated lava flows and pyroclastic rocks. This is another place worth visiting in Central Java, situated around 2000 m above sea level and 100 km from Borobudur. This area northwest of Yogyakarta is in the volcanic mountains and over 2,000 meters elevation. The name "Dieng" means "abode of the gods."

There the visitor can find restarted temples build around year 800, colorful lakes and steaming ones. On the road we will see how the farmer use all the land available by using terraces. It's also fresher up here and we are almost above the clouds. The plateau, located 2,093 meters above sea level, offers two sunrises, the golden sunrise and the silver sunrise. Both are equally amazing natural phenomena. The golden sunrise refers to the first sunrise between 5:30 and 6 a.m. It is said to be golden because of its sparkling golden red color. We can enjoy this sunrise from a viewing post at a height of 1,700 meters above sea level in Wonosobo. The place, located in a mountainous area, is easily accessible because the roads leading to this area are all paved.

After savoring the beauty of the double sunrise, a natural phenomenon perhaps found only on Dieng Plateau, we could still enjoy the beauty of the surrounding nature. Walk about 10 minutes over a distance of some two kilometers to the southeast of the temple where there is a colorful lake. From the top of a hill the lake reflects a greenish yellow color, the reflection of the sulfate acid that the lake water contains. Beside this colorful lake there is another lake with pristine water. Locals call it the mirror lake because the water is very clear. The surface of the lake water also reflects sunlight. Unfortunately, this beautiful morning panorama is slightly impaired by the rampant felling of trees around the lakes. Unless the tree feeling is checked, this beautiful panorama will soon vanish for good.

Beside the beautiful panorama above, there is also small monuments, which are not more than 50 feet high stand on a crater floor amidst sulfurous fumes and underlined by the presence of a few of the starkest Shivaite temples at an elevation of more than 6.000 feet, are impressive.

The site is located four hours from Semarang. In this site, the visitor will see some of the oldest Hindu temples of Java. On the way to the Dieng Plateau, visitors will pass through tobacco plantations and beautiful mountain scenery. This area can reach about four hours from Semarang, the site of some of the oldest Hindu temples on Java. These 50m-foot high monuments stand on a crater floor amidst sulfur fumes. The road to the Dieng Plateau passes through tobacco plantations and beautiful

14 Juli 2009

Misool Island: one of Raja Ampat

Misool is a region with thousands of isle, which have been pushed up throughout the thousands of years and build a wonderful scene. You come across caves, or caverns everywhere. You´ll find rocks as big as cathedrals, over hangs that improve the dramatic sight of this breathtaking region.

Of course these sights will continue in no less impressing views under water. Misool is one of the places on earth where you´ll find the most various species of fish, hard and soft corals, sponges, worms, nudibranches, shrimps and crabs and all kind of non-vertebrates, like cuttle fish and octopus.

You will as well come across wobbegong shark and epaulet sharks, which you will only find in the region of „Raja Empat“. Giant clams as well as fantastic tiny shells. Photographers as well as Videographers will have the dives of their lifetime for shoot macro all over.

Misool is one of the places with most wonderful and colourful and above all still intact reefs. All kinds of different corals set up the background scenery of the underwater world.

All isles, channels, rocks and caves had been explored throughout the years. It is always a great adventure to do land excursions in Misool, on condition that the weather allows it of course.

The Misool route will show you an abundance of the undersea world. Its beauty will carry you away! Thousands of isle, which have been pushed up throughout the thousands of years and build a wonderful scene.

Everywhere you come across caves, or caverns, you´ll find rocks as big as cathedrals, over hangs that all together improve the dramatic sight of this breathtaking landscapes.

Eagle Rock is just around the corner and is completely different to what you have seen so far. The stand alone rocks in the middle of the sea are always worth a picture or two. Splendid visibility, white beaches with black coral gardens, sweetlips, catfish and different kinds of rays are part of these dives. And since it is such a fantastic area above and under water we shall go back to the bay of Sel Pele again in the afternoon.

Around the island of „Jef Fam“ you will have the opportunity to see the wobbegong and epaulet sharks, which are unique to this region. The reef, which seems as if it dressed up in RED is breathtaking scenery and will make all divers’ dreams come true.

HAPPY 2 BIRTHDAY SON!! Wish you all the best and make us pround of that.....

8 Juli 2009

Mount Gede Pangrango National Park

Mount Gede Pangrango National Park is a national park in West Java, Indonesia. The park is centred on two volcanoes—Mount Gede (2,958 m) and Mount Pangrango (3,019 m)—and is 150 square kilometres in area.

It evolved from already existing conservation areas, such as Cibodas Nature Reserve, Cimungkat Nature Reseve, Situgunung Recreational Park and Mount Gede Pangrango Nature Reserve, and has been the site of important biological and conservation research over the last century.

Lower and upper montane and subalpine forests are within the park and have been well studied. To the north of Mount Gede is a field of Javanese Edelweiss (Anaphalis javanica). The park contains a large number of species known to occur only within its boundaries, however, this may be a result of the disproportionate amount of research over many years.

The area is two hours drive from the Indonesian national capital, Jakarta, usually via Cibodas Botanical Garden.