"Best Location" hotel at Solo
Kemarin saat lagi cari-cari hotel di Solo, ada empat hotel yang masuk daftar list: Ibis, Novotel, Paragon dan Best Western. Hotel Ibis dapat penawaran termurah, ga sampe 300ribu dari Agoda. Sedangkan tiga hotel terakhir di tawarkan dengan harga yang sama sekitar 350an, room only. Harga di agoda cukup menarik, karena di travel agent sendiri menawarkan harga yang lebih mahal. Akhirnya pilihan jatuh ke Best Western karena termasuk hotel baru dan dapet rekomendasi dari temen juga.
Jam 3 sore kita baru nyampe setelah muter-muter nyari alamat Slamet Riyadi, harusnya sih gampang tapi berhubung gak kenal jalanan Solo jadinya muter jauh :p Memasuki lobby nuansa batik sangat terasa, ornamen-ornamen Jawa seperti Wayang dan kereta keraton tertata apik menyambut tamu. Berikut review saya di Agoda, lumayan bisa nambah 500 poin :)
Batik Theme Hotel
sugi P. | Indonesia | Family with young children | July 17, 2011 |
We stay at superior room at the highest level, 9th floor. The room was small but very very clean and great. Bath room have hot shower and bath up with a complimentary soap and toiletris. The Staff is very friendly, they are asking me to taking a picture at the lobby before I ask to them. And they are show us to the attraction near the hotel.
Location is the best, just front of Surakarta Keraton. Near PGS (solo grosir market) and Pasar Klewer for shopping batik. They are also near kampung Kauman, was famous Batik Village at Solo. Every nite starting 6 PM, there was nite market front of PGS. You can found any culinary over there. Every Sunday morning the road are closed for car, it's Car Free day until 9 AM. You can join for free Aerobic or just walking around.
For the next day, there are no hot water at shower and I don't know why. maybe it's because full of occupancy. And I'm asking for a clean towel, they are not coming until we're check out. The pool at 3rd floor, it's very small and they don't have children pool. The water was very cold!! Sauna was the perfect choice after swimming or you can do massage with a fair price.
Sightseeing/Attractions Tip : you can walk or by trisaw around hotel, and can find any attractions there. Keraton Surakarta, Masjid Agung, Alun-alum, Pasar Klewer, PGS, Kampung Kauman. etc.
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