
27 Februari 2008


plastic-plastic-plastic, dengan beragam bentuk-warna-kegunaan banyak sekali yang bisa dimanfaatkan dengan menggunakan wadah dari produk Tupperware. Tupperware memang menjadi addict, setiap ada promo baru dan keluaran produk baru selalu ada keinginan untuk memiliki.
kita mengoleksi tupperware sejak akhir 2005, dikenalkan oleh seorang sodara. Hingga kini kita sudah mengoleksi ratusan item.

collection for a limited

MM Oval and MM Square collections

our collections

Frezeermate collections

26 Februari 2008

Lapindo: now is 20 month

banyak pro-kontra atas permasalahan lumpur Lapindo, dimana hampir 2 tahun belakangan ini menjadi polemik bagi sebagian warga Sidoarjo. Terutama warga Porong desa Siring dan sekitarnya. Saya sebagai warga Surabaya merasakan betapa sulitnya bila harus melewati akses porong. Dulu, kita bisa melaju lewat Tol dengan waktu tempuh hanya 20 menit. Sekarang, waktu itu harus ditempuh sekitar 45 menit-1 jam. Itupun kalau jalanan lancar, tidak ada demo warga porong yang minta keadilan. Kita juga bisa melewati jalan tikus yang dijaga polisi cepean.

kapankah penderitaan ini berakhir???????

20 Februari 2008

Hong Kong: last 2007

perjalanan papa dan saudara-saudara ke Hong Kong awal Desember kemarin.Hong Kong memang tidak habis kita nikmati, selalu ada keinginan untuk kembali ke sana. Udara yang sejuk, tempat shopping yang nyaman, pemandangan gedung-gedung pencakar langit. Yang terakhir keinginan untuk Ke Disneyland.

14 Februari 2008

Mount Krakatoa

Actually the Krakatoa / Krakatau belongs to Bandar Lampung, a province of Sumatra. But the Krakatoa is most easy to reach from Java and is part of Ujung Kulon national park in the south west of Java so Krakatoa is implemented in Java section.

Krakatoa is one of Indonesia's most active volcanoes that located in the strait between Sumatra and Java. With devastating effects this volcano erupted just over a century ago in 1883, bringing its fine ashes with the wind streams as far away as over New York City, whereas the eruption's tidal waves reached the American West Coast. At that very instant, Krakatoa vanished as if devoured by the sea, causing formidable tidal waves which in turn swept off just about everything alive from the surrounding coastal areas.

However, the disappearance of the gigantic Krakatoa also meant the birth of small islands in its place, one of which is called "Anak Krakatau" or Krakatoa's Child, which is at present an extremely active young volcano. From both West Java's, West Coast, and from Sumatra's Lampung Province, this young and very active volcano is clearly visible. A boat trip to this place may be worth making

A unique location is in the middle of Sunda strait. It's a little volcano pierce from the ocean. Krakatoa could be reached from Anyer or Carita beach. Approximately 2 hours cruising on a speedboat and 3 and half hour on a slow diesel boat.

There are three islands surrounding Anak Krakatau. All of these islands seem to be parts of big Krakatoa before the big eruption in 1883. That's why there are a few lagoons caused by the eruption. These lagoons were a home for Giant Trivially, Red Snapper, Grouper and many others reef fishes. Besides fishing, the visitors are also can enjoy the scenes of Mount Krakatoa that also amazing.

Top 100 Indonesia Wonders of Nature - Hidden Paradisen in The Earth Planet

Foto krakatau by marco fuller

13 Februari 2008

100 day in Memoriam: Mr. Phang Tek Pau the deepest sorrow for the lost of MR. Phang Tek Pau.
May his spirit will be in peace forever.
And his family will be given tenancity......

Cerita lain dari sisi traveling ataupun fotografi yang ingin saya sharing dengan teman-teman. Foto diatas adalah rangkaian pemakaman om saya yang tinggal di Hong Kong, yang cukup mengejutkan kami adalah meninggalnya beliau secara mendadak. Disini dapat dilihat betapa manusia memang tidak berdaya dan kembali ke hadapan sang pencipta kapan pun Dia mau.

8 Februari 2008

Gili Meno

The middle island, the smallest of the three Gili's and it is the quietest with fewer tourists. A great escape for honeymooners or someone who wants to get away from it all.

Special features of the island is the salt lake and spectacular dive sites such as, Meno Wall, Sea Turtle Point, and Blue Coral Point. The beach on eastern part of the island is very nice and there's snorkeling just offshore and further north.

In the past Meno was known to have lots of mosquitoes but steps have been taken to control it. Still the best time to visit the island is during dry season. There are many options for an enjoyable holiday on the islands. You can rent snorkeling equipment, join a diving course, or just snorkeling off-the-shore to see the magnificent coral reefs and fishes.

There are few quality scuba diving operations on all the islands. The blue coral garden around the north east of gili meno can be reached by snorkeling off-the-beach. Turtle point and meno wall located in the north west of Gili Meno and can be reached only by boat. Join any of the boat dive trips available.

While the island is busiest from May through August, the quieter off-season from January to April provides a better opportunity to enjoy all the islet has to offer, with accommodation prices at their lowest level. To get around the isle, the only means of transport are Cidomos, horse drawn carriages. Bicycle rentals are available too. Expect higher prices for most things there since all food and goods must be brought over from the mainland.

Imlek sudah datang, semua merayakan dengan suka cita menyambut Tahun Baru China.

Gong Xi Fa Cai,
Xin Nien Guai Le,
Sen Ji Nien Gang,
Wan Se Ru Ie.

1 Februari 2008

tatto: why?

keinginan untuk membuat tatto sudah ada sejak beberapa tahun yang lalu. liburan 2006 di bali planning pertama, tapi waktu itu ngak ktemu tatto artist yang pas.

september kemarin saya ada ngobrol sama temen kalo pengen buat tatto, taunya temenku ada kenalan tatto artist di Surabaya. Setelah brosing-brosing cari contoh barulah saya janjian sama Fitra (sang tatto artist).
Nah ini hasil tattonya. Kuda, kenapa? pertama, saya lahir di tahun 1978 dimana chinesse zodiak adalah kuda dan anak petama saya juga lahir di tahun kuda. Kedua, melihat sosok kuda yang tangguh dan kuat.

Tatto ini saya buat pas ulang tahun ke lima Selena. Happy birthday my little girl. this a present for you. daddy love you.
Ternyata saya tidak salah menentukan pilihan pada Fitra. thanks fit, your work done.

Next plan? saya masih mau menambah satu lagi kuda di sisi kiri. Maybe at May/July.